I have posted numerous times here about my concerns about radical Islam. My observations came only in the past few years after 9/11. Prior to 9/11, I was virtually oblivious to the true threat that radical Islam posed to all modern nations.
I continue to be concerned that America is gradually growing bored with the idea that there are millions of Islamic terrorists who believe that their religious scriptures clearly instruct them to "kill the infidels." The infidels would be us, the Jews, Christians, Hindus and even other moderate Muslims. I have failed to understand non-military ways of dealing with this threat.
My son Patrick came upon this website by Daniel Pipes. I have spent much of today reading his articles dating back to 1980. His website, DanielPipes.org, is the single most accessed source of specialized information on the Middle East and Islam. His resume is very impressive.
If you want some insight into what "the war on terror" is really all about, you have to spend time on this site. Sign up for his newsletter!
There are so many articles I found interesting that I cannot even begin to mention each one. Easily the most scary one is this one revealing more about the nutcase president of Iran. We truly live in a dangerous world. While I am not certain that President Bush is doing everything right, I am glad we have a President who is at least doing SOMETHING RIGHT to protect us. There is no question in my mind that what America has done in Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere has played a major role in stopping further terrorist attacks on American soil. Likely, it is inevitable that the terrorists will once again succeed here, but at least since 9/11, we have been spared due to courageous efforts of our military who have been unleashed by President Bush. The more I learn, the more I realize that this is NOT a short term effort!
Take some time and begin to digest the insight of Daniel Pipes. I wish I had discovered him earlier.
Technorati Tags: Iraq, Middle East, Islam, Iran, GWOT