One of my Arizona Senators, Jon Kyl, recently wrote this about Newt Gingrich's new book, Winning the Future. I like both guys. I recently heard Kyl speak briefly at an dinner. He is a very sharp and bright guy. While many don't like Newt, I admire his insightfulness and directness. I also admired his ability to pull off the "contract with America" sweeping Republicans into the Congress.
Republicans and Dems alike would do well to tell the American people directly what they want to do. Personally, I think the Reps are pretty good at this. The MSM hate what the Reps want to do but at least you know what it is they want to do. The Dems have hinted that they are working on their "contract". Problem is that the only things that they can agree to put on the list is:
1. Hate Bush
2. Hate anything Bush says or does.
3. Hate all Republicans
4. Protect the right to kill babies while in, or almost out of their mothers wombs.
This does not come close to Newt's contract. I am tired of hearing them do nothing but criticize without offering any alternative that is better. They offer no alternatives!
I agree with the 5 main things Newt fears will happen in our future:
1. That Islamist terrorists and rogue dictatorships will acquire and launch nuclear or biological weapons.
2. That God will be driven from American public life and reduce us to the civilizational ennui that now characterizes a declining Europe.
3. That America will lose the patriotic sense of itself as a unique civilization.
4. That America’s economic supremacy will yield to China and India because of failing schools and weakening scientific and technological leadership.
5. That an aging America’s demands on Social Security, Medicare, and related government programs will collapse the systems.
Typical of Newt, he offers solutions for those 5 things:
1. We must commit to a long war to defeat the terrorists and tyrants who would destroy America.
2. We must reestablish that our rights come from our Creator and that an America that has driven God out of the public arena is an America on the way to decay and defeat.
3. We must insist on patriotic immigration and patriotic education based on classic American history and the wisdom of the Founding Fathers and Abraham Lincoln.
4. We must transform our domestic institutions in order to harness modern science and technology to create jobs, wealth, and lead the world economy into the 21st century.
5. We must establish the opportunities for a personal Social Security account, a portable personal pension account, and a personal health savings account, so the wealth we create during our working lives is wealth we control.