I have heard this before but have never seen it admitted in a fairly prestigious magazine. In this case, Medscape Today from WebMD.
This especially grabbed me :
"CT scans use multiple x-rays to create three-dimensional images that are diagnostically useful but expose people to far more radiation than conventional x-rays. In fact, one CT scan exposes a patient to the lower range of radiation received by some Nagasaki bombing survivors."
You catch that? One scan equals the amount some Nagasaki survivors were exposed to? Truly amazing. Do doctors TELL you this information? NOPE!!! The article continues:
"Up to one in a thousand patients will develop cancer from this exposure.[2] Sixty million CT scans a year will thus cause cancer in thousands of people. Yet most consent forms are silent about this."
You would think they would at least tell us! The issue is that the doctors probably are not aware of this themselves. They will tell you, "Oh, it has been proven to be perfectly safe." They say the same thing about mercury amalgams and vaccines. They just don't know. And who wants to admit that they could actually be making you sick?