(Posted by Patrick Sullivan Jr.)
Kirsten story is really encouraging! She is one of the beneficiaries of the Jigsaw Health Foundation. Her story was featured in last month's Jigsaw Health Foundation eNewsletter:
For years Kirsten suffered from various chronic health conditions such as chronic fatigue, adrenal gland dysfunction, depression, digestive problems, and many others. She started working with a chiropractor that believed many of her problems stemmed from her mercury amalgams. Unfortunately, she was on California Disability and was unable to afford the removal of these 8 amalgams. However, we connected her with a local dentist that generously agreed to donate his services to remove all of her amalgams.
Three months after her last amalgam was removed she wrote, “Getting the mercury amalgams out of my body means I have a second chance at life - to live it in health, both physical and mental health. I can now think straight, concentrate, and have no more debilitating mood swings, which I had suffered virtually all of my life while my old mercury amalgams were in. Jigsaw Health has given me a whole, healthy mind, and there is nothing so sacred as one's mind. Jigsaw Health is a true blessing in my life, and it came just in time, when I had virtually given up all hope and had no where else to turn to for help. I am looking forward to getting back to work, I am strong enough now, and I will start in January as an instructor for children with autism. It feels so good to know I am now healthy enough to be able to be of service to others after so many have been of service to me, in my recovery to health. Thank you, each and every one involved in Jigsaw Health for your generosity and hard work, the ripple-effects are HUGE!”
This is REALLY cool! :) There are hundreds of foundations doing research on diseases, genetics, etc. And there are millions of very well-intentioned people racing / walking / riding / swimming / singing / dancing for various cures. We believed that if the Jigsaw Health Foundation could simply help people remove a source of poison from their mouths, good things were going to happen.
And good things ARE happening. Read the rest of the newsletter.
And please consider making a monthly pledge. Every nickel in 2007 will go directly to beneficiaries like Kirsten.
Related Posts:
Moms Against Mercury vs. FDA (Trial begins Tuesday, March 27, 2007)
The Smoking Tooth