A few weeks ago I posted on Global Warming and got a number of comments. I came across a TV documentary created in England called the "Great Global Warming Swindle" when I read an Op Ed piece by Thomas Sowell (one of the smartest people on the planet I think)
The film runs 1hr and 13 mins. I found it fascinating and very well done. It enforced my sense that what we are dealing with when we talk about Global Warming may well be simply hysteria ala Paul Erlich's "Population Bomb" which back in the late 60's made all sorts of dire and outlandish predictions that simply did not happen! Back then I was on the side of hysteria. I really believed what Erlich was preaching.
One of the humorous points made in the documentary was that in the 70's, all the environmentalists were yelling about Global Cooling and making dire predictions about civilization freezing to death. The global temperatures were falling at the time. When they began to rise again, they switched to Global Warming. The fact is the earth temperature is cyclical. The cycles are totally driven by the rise and fall of sun spots and other natural phenomena, but NOT CO2 gases.
The film also makes the point that massive amounts of monies are in play for funding for scientific study. If you want to get funded you have to be politically correct and say you are studying something that may play a part in Global Warming. Any studies to the contrary are simply never funded. I always say, "follow the money." Many thousands of jobs and huge bureaucracies are totally dependent upon Global Warming being true including the jobs of "Environmental Reporters" who will ONLY report something that is radical and alarming; preferably more alarming than the last report that came out. Any scientist who reports that small changes in temperature have been happening for eons is simply ignored because it does not sell newspapers.
The documentary is worth watching regardless of which side you are on in this important debate. I encourage you to take the time and enjoy it.