NAC, N-acetyl Cysteine , a popular nutritional supplement has been implicated in a very serious pulmonary disease. In my book I talked about my stance against the use of large amounts of NAC. I did not have anything to go by other than my own personal experience with NAC. It made me feel terrible. I thought it was because NAC is a known mild chelator of mercury. My theory was that it was moving and redistributing mercury in my body without actually removing it. That may be true but it may also have been symptoms reported in this article.
NAC does have a property of increasing Glutathione in the liver. This is a very potent antioxidant used to detoxify the body of many toxins. That is why it is recommended so widely. I believe if it us used at all, it should only be used in very small quantities. It is common for supplement makers to put 500 mgs or more in a capsule/tablet. I think this is dangerous. 25-50 mgs is a far safer amount.