18 months ago I started Jigsaw Health Foundation. It's purpose was to help people who could not afford to have their mercury amalgams removed. That was an important step in my own health recovery. I wanted to help those who could not afford it.
We just put the Foundation into hibernation perhaps to resurrect in the future. The primary reason? Money. We found money was hard to raise in general. Many are just burned out with all the causes competing for money, myself included.
On top of that, my daughter, Colleen Skipper who ran it, got burned out working alone in her house in Seattle. She is a very social person and missed the camaraderie of an office with people. She really was the heart and soul of the Foundation. I did not feel we would be able to replace her easily.
The good news is that we were able to help about 4 dozen people. Several of them found that removing this highly toxic metal from their mouths was life changing. We sent an email to them and other applicants. Following are a few of their comments. It gave me goosebumps when I read them:
"I am sure you will get tons of emails, but I wanted to thank you for your kind words and assistance during my pre-removal days. Even though I did not use your services, I do believe in the dangers of mercury. I had my amalgams out in May and June of this year, 2007. I know it was the best decision I have ever made in my life. You played a role in that turn of my life and I thank you."
"You have not only helped those that you could, but gave us all the security of knowing there are many of us out there who have been united in hope that someone has cared and focused in on the problem, and we ourselves, can continue to make a big noise about it."
"I am so sorry to hear that you are closing. I feel so lucky to be one of the few who was chosen. Replacing my amalgams helped me so much!!! I hope to hear that you are back in business in the future."
"I am deeply sadden to read that JHF has closed. Each and every day I'm mindful of how JHF, along with Dr. Noelck, led me on the magnificent journey to regain my health. When all hope was gone, JHF was there to help save my life. Yes, I said save my life--there is no doubt in my mind that my body could not have endured much more. I was at the end of my rope and could not have held on much longer. Finding JHF on the internet, applying for assistance, and becoming a beneficiary was my Miracle! I'm living proof that the mission is on target by addressing the serious danger of mercury amalgams. At times, I find it difficult to recall just how sick I was at the time of my application. It seems like a TERRIBLE nightmare...one I don't want to remember, yet I don't want to forget. My personal crusade to is inform others of the danger of mercury amalgams. Since the final removal, I've been getting stronger every day. In fact, I will start a part time position on September 29th!! It was great to answer "no" to so many of the questions at the time of my medical exam. I'm still placing orders at Jigsaw Health."
"I am grateful for your work and efforts to help many of us who would not otherwise have gotten treatment. I am doing much better than a year ago when my cancer returned to the spine and I had surgery. I feel improved and want to thank you again for your help in this matter."
"You have changed the lives of 47 people in two years. How many people can say they have done that in their lifetime?"
"I had to write to tell you what a fantastic job Christian did in the opera premiere this summer in Italy. It was a complete miracle. A total transformation. Now he is home performing in his brother Bernard's new play, Receiving Me, which will play at The Fringe Festival from September 13 through 16th. This never would have been possible without the help that he received from Jigsaw. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts."
"I had planned on emailing you soon to tell you that I have very recently felt a big shift in my health, and I believe it is in large part due to having my amalgams removed a few months ago!!!! You have make a really huge impact in my life, for health reasons as well as feeling such generosity from people who dont even know me! What you do is truly special, and I know the others like me that you have helped probably feel the same."
"I think it is wonderful that you helped so many people. You did a GREAT job in my opinion."
"Kathleen's life continues to be complicated, yet I know what the foundation did for her has improved and ultimately has added time to her live, revitalized her ability for improvement in her mental clarity and has enriched her children's experience with their Mommy! So thankful we are!"
"Never forget how much good you have done, are doing, and will do. You probably have inspired others to do good (that you do not even know about)"
"You are to be commended for all your efforts."
"All I can say, myself, is thank you for helping me get my life back, and, I'd help more if I could."
"I am most sadden to hear of your organization fate. I was unable to get my mercury amalgams removed. However, I hope in the future I will be able to have them removed. Thank you for all the information and effort that your organization have provided me. I will pray that you will make a stronger comeback in the future."
"As you may recall, I have been looking to join or purchase a mercury-safe practice. I am looking at an office I may purchase soon. So for me, the timing has been poor. I do, however, help to educate as many people as I can, and hope to help more in the future. So please do not feel that your efforts are for naught-it has been a noble endeavor that you should be proud of. I have referred several patients to your website and recommended the book you had given me at The IAOMT meeting."
"I am so very grateful for all you have done for me. You have made a huge difference in my life and in the life of my family."
"I was disappointed to hear of the closing. I have finally made improvement in my health and energy and am feeling much better! Thank you so much for the help with paying for the amalgam removals. I was planning on making a contribution to Jigsaw Health when my finances improved. (still a long way off). How am I going to reciprocate the foundations generosity if you're closing???; You really did help me. I have Asperger's Syndrome and had not worked in a long time and didn't have the money to have the amalgams removed all by myself. Do you remember how sick I was? To write you an email would take hours because I had to lay down and rest every few sentences! I want you to know that you made a difference in my life. Last time we talked I was still very mercury toxic. I will always have Aspergers and all the symptoms but at least I don't have the additive oppressive effects of the mercury on top of that. :) "