Dear Mr. Sullivan,
Many years ago, in the middle of the night, I e-mailed you regarding my son’s autism. You responded by telling me that although you couldn’t help my son, you might very well be able to help me. And good to your word, you did.
Jigsaw Health Foundation covered the expense of restoring my teeth, removing nearly a dozen amalgam fillings. The first thing I noticed was the ‘metal’ taste was gone.
My overall health has improved significantly since that time.
And so has something else…
I found a doctor who was willing to help my son. Long story short, a Urinary porphyrin profile along with blood work proved he was heavy metal toxic and glutathione deficient. Over the next 10 months, he received 300 mg. of DMSA, 3 times a day, 3 days on, the 4 days off. The sheer amount of metal in his body was astounding.
About 2 months into treatment the director of Lab Corp in Louisville called to ask me if he had ‘an ongoing occupational exposure to arsenic’ I answered ‘well, he’s in the second grade, does that count’???
There was a measured silence on the line before he was able to stammer….’you’re kidding, right’?? ‘Ah, nope, second grader, look at his age’….
The poor man was so uncomfortable that it could be palpated from 200 miles away.
Cadmium, arsenic, nickel, mercury, tons of lead, though we never lived in a house with lead paint…so I have no idea there…. the arsenic was from chicken, shell fish, and I suspect our deck which was pressure treated lumber.
His transformation was nothing short of phenomenal. He went from performing single requested tasks to 4 and 5 step tasks practically overnight. He began to sleep, (thank you GOD), to eat, to play, to be…a kid.
His receptive language skills improved in leaps and bounds, though he still has an expressive speech delay, most people don’t even notice.
He is now a happy, well adjusted 13 year old 8th grader.
To think, 10 years ago we were told he’d never speak, this fall he met an adorable, green eyed girl, on the first day of school and 3 weeks later asked her to the county fair. I sat and watched them on the Ferris wheel, gazing into each others eyes, bashful smiles, the blush of youth in their cheeks, and I though back to you….you gave me hope at 2 am, in a bleak world filled with sleepless nights and endless days of longing….searching for the precocious blue eyed boy whom I’d watched regress into a tortuous world beyond my reach.
I sat at the county fair and cried, remembering how you reached out to me, in a time of desperation. You offered hope in a world where there was none, caring words in a life on the edge. You didn’t know it at the time, but the life line you tossed me all those years ago was the only thread I held to in a tenuous state of exhaustion and mental collapse.
In that moment of elation, watching my son, blond hair floating on a late summer breeze and puppy love etched in eyes, I knew I had to tell you ‘the rest of the story’…..
And to say ‘thank you’…. for being there, all those years ago…..
Name and address withheld on purpose.
Savannah Tn. 38372
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