It has been a long time since I posted. My apologies but I have been very busy working on my new software startup. Plus I have been feeling really great so I just don't think about my health much, KNOCK ON WOOD!! It always amazes me when I check back in here and see that so many people are still reading some of the stuff I have written. I can't think of anything that I would change here based on my experiences the past few years.
But I do have some new things I want to share that I think could be really important for those of us who suffer or have suffered with chronic conditions. So I will just list them.
1. Iodine - I recently came across a book call "The Iodine Crisis." It is not particularly well written and is loosely a how to of a book on Iodine written by a Dr. Brownstein. I had no idea the info this book contains. I have been taking Armour Thyroid for years without much thought. There is nothing wrong with Armour but if you are deficient in Iodine that is more likely to be the cause of your thyroid problems. Women's issues like Fibroid tumors, Cysts in the breast and breast cancer all probably can be tied to a lack of iodine. Men can have issues with the prostate. Iodized salt doesn't even come close to doing it. It is tied to the toxins bromine and flouride as well since they mimic iodine and fit the receptors for iodine. High dose iodine will detox these toxins. I have been taking 50mg of Iodoral for about a month or so and feel even better. Energy very high. Sleep better. It is almost a CERTAINTY that you are deficient. Iodine is used in every cell in the body so is critical. Check it out.
2. Wheat. Not to be confused with gluten. Gluten is only the beginning and best known issue. I read "Wheat Belly". You can read it but you can watch videos by the author here for free. Basically the wheat we eat today is not the wheat eaten just 60-70 years ago. I won't get it exactly right but wheat used to have about 14 chromosomes and now it is like 60. This from memory so don't hold me to this exact please. It is just a totally different food with frankenstein proteins like gluten and gliadin, lectins that wreck havoc in our bodies. The genetic hybrid wheat was devoloped to solved World Hunger. And was effective. An acre today yields about 10 times more wheat that it used to. A good thing. But with huge unintended consequences. Wheat can wreck your intestines (leaky gut). It's proteins bind to the opiod receptors in the brain causing us to overeat. People who eat wheat eat about 20% more food. Schizophrenics who were taken off wheat got much better and then regressed when put back on wheat. The Doc who wrote the book is a cardiologist. He was diabetic. Got off wheat and he is no longer diabetic. If he gets his patients off wheat their cardio numbers all normalize. If they are dieting and can't break through a plateau, they drop lots after getting off wheat. I stopped all wheat and my weight totally normalized. I eat everything else I want but my weight totally stays the same. I think I feel better too. (or is it the iodine? :) ). Overall the whole thing makes a ton of sense.
3. Hydration. I usually walk when I play golf and I get sore for the walking and swinging of the club. I find if I focus on hydration with electolytes I don't get sore much at all. It is a BIG help as I would really feel bad after 2 or 3 rounds. I use 2 things. Every morn I drink a very big glass of water first thing in the morning with ZipFizz in it. I know, it has some crap in it that some of you won't like but I like both the taste and the slight buzz instread of my morning cup of Joe. I also use Alacer's Electro Mix. It is like Gatorade without the sugar. I drink it when I play golf in the heat. Most of us are simply dehydrated with serious consequences. If you are thirsty you are already dehydrated.
4. Curcumin - Just go on PubMed and type in Curcumin. 5,693 studies!! Curcumin has so many amazing effects on our bodies. Inflammatory responses. Genetic expression of lots of bad stuff. Cancer, Alzheimers, Depression etc. etc. It is totally amazing. I have been taking curcumin for well over a year. I love it. Other than Magnesium and Vitamin C this would be the one supplement I would take if I could only take one. It is just totally amazing the breadth of positive effects. My company Jigsaw makes a really good one but there are a few good ones out there. Other than Jigsaw's I like anything with the BCM-95 ingredient. Absorption is total problem unless you take a good one. Naturally, you ought to be taking Mg and Vit C too for all the reasons I have written about before. Lot's of them! Check out
Like Forrest said, "and that's all I have to say about that." Cheers!