I wrote a post about two days ago about Pat Robertson's assassination comments. I joined virtually everyone else blasting Robertson for his outrageous comments. I still think he was way off base for what he said.
However, I came across this NewsMax article which pointed out that George Stephanopoulus (pronounced "step-on-all-of-us"), the former Clinton top advisor turned media pundit, publicly stated the very same thing in 1997 in a Newsweek Magazine feature article. He gave a long and reasoned explanation about why Clinton should assassinate Saddam Hussein. The headline read, "Why We Should Kill Saddam." Wow!!!
There was no media outcry from anywhere. It was not talked about on every TV station. No editorials condemning him and what he said.
The article closes with, "The one-time top Clinton aide said that, far from violating international principles, assassinating Saddam would be the moral thing to do, arguing, "What's unlawful - and unpopular with the allies - is not necessarily immoral."
I wonder how George's same comments would play today? Wonder if he is saying the same things today?
And really, what is the difference between what Robertson said and what Stephanopoulus wrote? Stephanopoulus was MUCH more explicit than Robertson and yet NO ONE said a thing that I know of. Why?
First off, blogging did not exist then! Today, George would be blasted by the conservative half of the blogosphere for writing that same article.
Second, George was part of the politically acceptable club and his assasination idea was considered reasoned and intelligent. Could it be that it was OK for him to say what he said because he was a liberal democrat, fresh out of the administration of the media-beloved President Clinton?
But since Pat Robertson is a "Wacko Conservative Ultra Right Wing Christian Fundamentalist," he's lambasted! Say it ain't so.
But of course, it is so...We all know that the majority of the mainstream media has a liberal bias. This is just one more clear cut example. And one of the most clear that I know of.
Now, I do want to make sure that my position is understood: I thought, and still think, Robertson's comments were crazy for him to say. But to be fair, Stephanopoulus HAS to be considered just as crazy as Robertson!
UPDATE: Pardon My English, Hugs, Kisses, and Bombs, and Memento Moron are just a few of the other bloggers that see the same irony I do.
UPDATE: NewsMax also reports that CIA, Military Men Agree with Pat Robertson. Not that anyone would be surprised at this because this is what the CIA and special ops actually do. (At least, we think this is what they do!)
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